Facts & Figures – ZEF and Doctoral Program

ZEF has acquired and run nearly 100 projects in more than 80 countries funded by more than 40 donors over the past 25 years. Currently we run around 40 projects in 49 countries.

Alumni Gallery

More than 450 students from 79 countries have participated in the BIGS-DR program at ZEF so far. We are happy to feature a selection of our alumni.

25 Years of ZEF Research & Stories

Over the past 25 years, ZEF’s researchers have been conducting inter- and trans-disciplinary research in, for and with emerging economies on global issues with its collaborating research partners around the world.

25 Years of ZEF and its International Doctoral Program

The Center for Development Research (ZEF) is an institute of the University of Bonn, Germany. It started its research activities in 1997. ZEF’s researchers aim to find science-based solutions to promote sustainable development and planetary health.

ZEF’s research divisions and groups conduct inter- and trans-disciplinary research in, for and with emerging economies and on global issues with its collaborating research partners around the world. ZEF is guided by an International Advisory Board

ZEF educates doctoral students from all over the world in its Doctoral Studies Program. More than 450 students from 79 countries have participated in the BIGS-DR program at ZEF so far.

Alumni Gallery